Yarrah Stage 1 Construction Completion Update

Aside from minor maintenance and landscaping consolidation activities, the Principal Contractor has provided notification this week that as of the 24 February 2023 works are completed onsite. Completion activities and approvals are well underway

Yarrah Stage 1 Construction Update – Week 65

Week 65 progress report is for work completed up to mid-December. Works completed up to Week 65 included: Monitoring of safety, environmental, erosion and quality controls; 100% topsoil stripping completed; 100% earthworks cut and

Yarrah Stage 1 Construction Update – Week 58

Week 58 progress report is for work completed up to the end of October. Works completed up to Week 58 included: Monitoring of safety, environmental, erosion and quality controls; 100% topsoil stripping

Yarrah Stage 1 Construction Update – Week 54

Week 54 progress report is for work completed up to the end of September. Works completed up to Week 54 included: Monitoring of safety, environmental, erosion and quality controls; 100% topsoil

Yarrah Stage 1 Construction Update – Week 49

Week 49 progress report is for work completed up to the end of August. Works completed up to Week 49 included: Monitoring of safety, environmental, erosion and quality controls; 100% topsoil stripping

Yarrah Stage 1 Construction Update – Week 43

Week 43 progress report is for work completed up to the end of June. Works completed up to Week 43 included: Monitoring of safety, environmental, erosion and quality controls; 100% topsoil stripping