Aside from minor maintenance and landscaping consolidation activities, the Principal Contractor has provided notification this week that as of the 24 February 2023 works are completed onsite. Completion activities and approvals are well underway with a range of testing, inspections, commissioning and approvals completed including NBN final inspection and Essential Energy final approval achieved. Moving forward, the focus is on final approval with Yass Valley Council and final title registration.
Works update to end of February:
Monitoring of safety, environmental, erosion and quality controls;
100% topsoil stripping completed;
100% earthworks cut and fill completed;
100% sewer trenching, pipe installation and construction of sewer manholes completed;
100% stormwater pipes layed and 100% stormwater pits installed;
100% sewer pump station components completed;
100% watermain works commenced and 100% of water services with connection still to occur;
100% subsurface drains completed;
100% demolition of entry house and clearing works completed;
100% road subbase construction completed;
100% kerb & gutter completed;
100% NBN installation completed;
100% sewer rising main installation completed;
100% electrical works completed;
100% topsoiling of lots and verges;
100% final road wearing courses;
100% retaining walls;
100% footpaths completed;
100% tree planting and general landscaping;
100% Intersection, entry feature and entry landscaping;
Maintenance and consolidation activities.