Exciting news for all buyers of stage 1: all civil work is now complete and ready for building. The first houses started being built in late 2023.

Stage 1 consists of lots 1 to 62 located of Yarrah Drive, Gorrell Place, James, Place and Woods Street, and the lots sizes range from 450m2 to 900m2. The stage features an Oak Tree Retirement Village and the future Activity Centre block both located on Nelson Street. Oak Tree has a DA approval for a 60 dwelling village and function centre.

Stage 1 Settlement occurred in August 2023.

Stage 1 Title Registration occurred July 2023.

Stage 1 Subdivision Certificate & Linen Plan was approved July 2023.

Stage 1 Civil Construction commenced in September 2021.

Stage 1 Civil Construction Packages awarded to Woden Civil Contractors in August 2021.

Stage 1 Subdivision Certificate was approved in August 2021.

Stage 1 DA was approved in April 2019.